
Wang Zi 王紫 (born in Nanjing, China) is an artist-educator based in Tkaronto, Canada. She has a Bachelor's degree in Printmaking (OCAD) and a Master's in Arts Management and Administration (SDA Bocconi, Milan). She is currently pursuing an MFA in Visual Arts at York University. She has shown works in the Ontario Legislative Assembly, Métis Space (HK), Art Bank Canada, and Richmond Hill Public Library. She has facilitated arts and cultural programs in various institutions, including the Royal Ontario Museum, CAMH, the City of Ottawa and the City of Richmond Hill.

When she's not making art, she loves teaching kids, going to weddings, and sharing her terrible jokes with interesting souls.

Artist Statement

My practice consists of printed objects, performance, songwriting and community-based art informed by family history and the observed discomfort of cultural and linguistic misinterpretations. Through reconstructing scenes and artifacts, I use literal and connotative forms to examine the state of people in foreign settings: compromises that are overlooked, perplexities that remain unresolved, and emotions that are self-censored. I believe that shared humanity is what connects us.


SDA Bocconi, Master in Arts Management & Administration

OCAD University,  BDes in Advertising

Soochow University, Summer Research Fellow

Selected Exhibitions

2024     Project Cocoon x TPL, Toronto PublicLibrary, Toronto (upcoming)

2024     Future Proof, Open Studio, Toronto(upcoming)

2024     Artà la Carte, Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Toronto (upcoming)

2024     Winter Juried Show, Arts and Letters Club,Toronto

2024     Blublu Night-Original Sound from Toronto, CaféBlublu, Toronto

2023      Homecoming –Project Cocoon x Chinatown, Scadding Court Community Centre, Toronto 

2023     The Next Wave, Gales Gallery, Toronto

2023     Awagami International Mini-print Exhibition, Yoshinogawa City, Japan

2023     #ArtBank50Purchase, Art Bank, Doors Open Ottawa, Ottawa

2023       Paraline, Midnight Arcade, Toronto, Canada

2022      Homecoming-Project Cocoon x Toronto Chinatown, Scadding Court Community Centre, Toronto, Canada

2022       Alone, Together, Ignite Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2022       Homecoming-Project Cocoon, Duo Solo Show, Richmond Hill Public Library , Richmond Hill, Canada

2022        Poetry Hologram Installation - Zuzu, Toronto International Festival of Authors, Toronto, Canada

2022        Art à la Carte, LegislativeAssembly of Ontario, Toronto, Canada

2022         Blue Print for a Collective Home, Great Hall Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2019          The Mindful Project: Roots|Routes, Serpa Gallery, Aurora, Canada

2019          Untapped Competition Finalist, Artist Project , Toronto, Canada

2017           Transl (oc)ating the MTR: A Polyphonic Exhibition, Metis Space, Hong Kong

Acquisition & Collection

Canada Council for the Arts

Private collections(Aunt Julia and Veronica)

Grants & Awards

2024           Canadian Graduate Scholarship, Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

2024          Open Studio Award, OCAD University, Toronto 

2024          Sharon Merkur Memorial Award, OCAD University, Toronto 

2024           Artists in the Library, Toronto Arts Council

2023           Fellowship, York University GraduateScholarship 

2019            Entrance Scholarship, GuggenheimBilbao Scholarship, SDA Bocconi

2019            Untapped Competition National Finalist, Artist Project,Toronto

 2016           Ontario-Jiangsu Research & Design Exchange Program


2023           Canada Council for the Arts, Media Release Jan 8th, 2023

2022           MUSING, University of Toronto Museum Management,Dec 13th, 2022

2022           Experience York Region,  Nov. 8th, 2022

2022           Feiyue Talk Show, Oct 15th, FM 1540, A1 Radio 

2019            Toronto Art Newspaper, Issue No.2, April 2019

2019            Creative of Toronto, March 8th, 2019

Using Format